A tourist office accessible to all

Created in 2001, the “TOURISME & HANDICAP” label aims to provide reliable, descriptive and objective information on the accessibility of tourist sites and facilities, taking into account the 4 types of disability (hearing, mental, motor and visual), and to develop an adapted tourist offer.

This evaluation is based on a number of criteria relating to architecture, facilities, quality of welcome and services.
The label is awarded following validation by departmental and national commissions.

In return, the tourism professional signs a charter of commitment to maintain the structure’s accessibility for a renewable period of 5 years.
In September 2023, the Gardanne Tourist Office will be awarded the “Tourisme et Handicap” label for all 4 types of disability.

  1. The Tourist Office is committed to offering the best possible service to all visitors:
    1. A quality welcome
    2. Trained and aware staff
    3. Adapted equipment
    4. Tourist information adapted and accessible to all
    5. A commitment to the community on the accessibility of the city and its services.

Download below the practical brochures published by the tourist office:Easy to read, easy to understand” guideAdapted tourist guide

  1. You’ll find everything you need for your visit at the tourist office:
    1. A magnetic loop
    2. A documentation in character expands to Gardanne, Aix-en-Provence and the Bouches-du-Rhône department
    3. Fun cards and a slate to facilitate communication
    4. An “Easy to read, easy to understand” document
    5. Adapted nature walks in the département
    6. Braille documentation
    7. An audio player
    8. A magnifying glass
    9. Trained travel consultants at your service